Thursday, November 19, 2009


Greetings! My name is Jessica, also known around the nets as Ghost Lilly. I am currently 21 years old, and live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm currently attending college, for now I'm not going to post where for my own privacy.

I have paranormal experiences. I am creating this to share those, mostly with friends and other certain individuals.

I'm planing on posting experiences, thoughts, theory's, you name it. Maybe even a few pictures or video clips. Mind you, I'm not going to post every experience I have had, some of them are very personal and I don't want to share them with the general public.

For the most part I will post about ghosts because this is what I experience the most. I also belive I have the ability to tell what happened in the past, though I have a hard time with that one. And I also sometimes dream about random snip-its of the future.

Due to the fact that my dreams of the future and generally pointless ^^; I will probably not post to many, cause I will bore you. I doubt you want to hear about me staring at a random giant cloths pin my my friends grandmothers house XD Also some dreams don't always necessarily happen, so I may post something that I think might happen and have it end up not happening.

Some postings will be very small and sort, because alot of this is to also help me keep track of the small stuff that happens. So I'm sorry if you get bored and/or tired of it all ^^ . Somethings should be interesting though.

Please remember to respect me and my beliefs. You don't have to believe what I say if you don't want to, but keep the negative aptitude to yourself ;p


  1. You mean dejavu, where you have seen something before happen, or remember it as it is happening?

    I've had that. It happened to me in math class, which means I am dreaming about math and makes me wonder what you are doing with my soul.

  2. No, its called precognition. Dejavu is something different. Its precognition because of the frequency it happens to me. And when something big is going to happen it gets worse. Like before 9-11 and the tsunami several years ago. Before 9-11 I kept dreaming about planes crashing into buildings, or I had another one about a plane crashing into a field, and I saw the imprint the plane left in the grass. Before the Tsunami I kept dreaming about like flash floods. At least I though they where flash floods but after the fact I realized it must have been a tsunami. Make more since?
